It’s kind of a hassle for people if every time that they come to your website and want to download something you ask them for the same information (name, company, email, whatever) over and over again. And you’re not learning more about them in the process. Progressive profiling is a way to improve the customer’s experience while also deepening your knowledge about them. Continue reading

I’ve never seen a field of business with so many shysters as search engine optimization.

I can’t tell you the number of times that, in talking with a prospective client for the first time, I’ve said, “It looks like you haven’t done any serious SEO work to your website” and they will reply, “You’re kidding. We just paid someone $25,000 a few months ago to optimize it.”
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An increasing number of businesses are now using live streaming video to reach their customers on social media. In addition to Facebook Live, Twitter offers Periscope, and YouTube provides Stream.

Live streaming can be used to broadcast your events for free. All you need is someone with a smartphone, an app and an account and you can let people who can’t make it in person know that they can still watch online. Continue reading

If the overnight success of Pokémon Go means anything, it’s that augmented reality has entered the mainstream and will be understood by many more people. And augmented reality (AR) has many applications in marketing.

For those who haven’t heard of AR, it’s adding data or images to images of the real world. While it can be done with a special headset it’s far more accessible if it’s done with a smartphone camera and app. Continue reading

When people see your messages multiple times in multiple places they are typically more effective. One cross-channel opportunity is to advertise to your prospect or customer list with Facebook’s Custom Audience feature.

Upload your customers’ email addresses or phone numbers into Facebook Custom Audiences and it will match them with its members (for privacy reasons it deletes immediately ones that it doesn’t already have). Continue reading