Website load speed can be important for two reasons. Google says it can impact search rankings, although SEOs are divided on how much it actually does, and even more directly it affects whether people will wait around for your pages to load – especially on a smartphone. (Remember: mobile now accounts for over half of all Internet traffic.)

You can do a free test of your home page speed with Pingdom: The paid version of Pingdom has many other tests and features.

My revenue + associates site scores well – faster than 68% of sites – but could be faster.

Pingdom report
Google itself is in the top 5%, Apple top 10% and Amazon top 18%. IBM, on the other hand, tested in the bottom 35%.

Large video and animation files, including a home page carousel, may slow down your page load. It can also be a result of using a lower quality (aka cheaper) hosting service. A full test would look at the load time of all pages, with work being done to improve the slowest of them.

Get your website up to speed.

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