It’s kind of a hassle for people if every time that they come to your website and want to download something you ask them for the same information (name, company, email, whatever) over and over again. And you’re not learning more about them in the process. Progressive profiling is a way to improve the customer’s experience while also deepening your knowledge about them.

With progressive profiling you get that basic contact information on their first interaction. Then you prioritize the additional information that you want to learn. On each subsequent website interaction you ask just one or two new questions that can help you understand and sell to a prospect, such as size of company or number of employees or their city and state or timeframe for purchasing.

Progressive profiling can be implemented through most major marketing automation programs.

Progressive profiling is a win-win. Website visitors have faster interactions and don’t have to provide the same information over and over again. By making these interactions more convenient you may increase your conversion rates while you deepen your knowledge of your customers and prospects.

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