Today over half of emails are opened on mobile devices, and over half of Google searches are on mobile, so that means that 100% of companies need to be thinking mobile first.

This isn’t just true for young people and consumers, it is also true for B2B. Close to half of the people who read my marketing tip emails do so on a mobile device.

Many people use their smartphones in the office, such as to quickly look something up while in a meeting. And many searches that start on mobile are later continued by the person on their desktop.

You website needs to be responsive so that it automatically re-configures itself to the devices that it’s being viewed on. If you don’t think you need to do this, talk with Google: over a year ago it started penalizing sites that aren’t mobile friendly. Your emails need to be responsive so people can read them on smartphones. And your forms need to be responsive so people using a phone can fill them out; this alone typically produces at least a 50-100% increase in mobile conversions.

Oracle website on smartphoneOracle’s site is responsive now, but for years it looked like this.

A surprisingly large number of small and mid-sized companies — and more than a few enterprises — still aren’t doing this. Don’t be one of them. Get all of your digital properties optimized for mobile.


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