Can people tell what your company does in just a few seconds after getting to your website? And why they should care? It’s important that they can.

The home pages of many websites suffer from diffuse messaging. This is often the result of internal political struggles over that most valuable of Internet real estate.

Disney home page carousel
One of the worst “solutions” is the use of a carousel – those large graphics that rotate through a new message every few seconds. Disney used to use one, but doesn’t now. People usually aren’t sitting there looking through the whole series of messages so if any message is acted on or remembered it’s the first one; but since it disappears in a few seconds people may be frustrated in even doing that. Carousels are big and slow to load on mobile devices and they are poor for accessibility.

What’s the single most important message that you want people to come away from your home page with, or to act on? News about the upcoming users conference? A hot new product release? Or your new free trial offer? Then you can apply that message to your home page and other communications, and fight to keep your focus on it. It’s a fight worth having.


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