Kim Kardashian West has over 48 million followers on Twitter, 29 million on Facebook and 84 million on Instagram. Even with some overlap among them, that’s a huge following. And even if a post is only displayed to a few percent of her following, which is typical, it will have millions of impressions. She often posts the same content on all three channels, resulting in hundreds of thousands of likes, shares and comments, extending the reach of her posts even further. A single post from her on all three channels has far more impressions than if it were an ad in most publications.

Kim Kardashian West Instagram post
It’s estimated that West earns $1 million a month from paid posts.

Last week she was bound, gagged and robbed of $11 million of jewelry in a Paris hotel. Since then she’s been understandably silent on social media.

It’s possible that she is losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of sponsorship dollars weekly as a result. I don’t know, but personally I doubt it. Imagine the bad publicity for a brand if it were to stop paying her as a result of her being robbed.

My assumption is that if she returns to social media soon and resumes her brand posts, she won’t lose any income.


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