Many marketing teams are adopting the agile methodology as a way to manage their many efforts in today’s rapidly changing marketing world. And many of them report a significant increase in productivity and throughput as a result.

A central component of the agile methodology, for marketing or software, is the daily morning standup meeting. This is a 15-minute standing meeting at the beginning of the day in which each member of the team describes:

  1. What did they accomplish yesterday?
  2. What is their goal for today?
  3. Do they see any blockers, or need any help, to complete today’s goal?

It can be useful to use a tool like Trello to organize tasks, and each team member then is speaking to the assignments that they have in the system.

One of the points of standing (aside from its health benefits) is to keep the daily meetings short and focused. This isn’t a schmoozefest. With this daily check in the manager should be able to keep up with how the team is doing in meeting important goals, and individual team members will stay connected with one another and get timely help with problems if they come up.

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